The “People and Pets say NO!” Project – An Introduction

The Pixel Project created the “People and Pets say NO!” project because family pets are frequently also victims of domestic violence and sometimes, they are one of the prime reasons why a woman and her kids can’t leave the abusive home behind because they are unable to take the pet with them.

The Pixel Project invites anyone and everyone who has family pets or work with animals (be it dogs, cats, birds, fish, horses, tortoises etc) to take a picture of yourself and your pet while holding up white paper or board as a sign that says: “We say NO!” to help send a message of hope to women in abusive households that there is hope out there for them to escape with their beloved pets.

To take part, click the appropriate button below to learn how to submit your “People and Pets say NO!” picture(s) by 9PM EST, 30 September 2018.

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