FAQs – Registration

1.     How do I register to participate in “Portraits for Pixels”?

Click the download button to download the registration pack, fill in the forms and send it back to us together with all requested materials and information at portraits4pixels@gmail.com.

Please note that when you register with us, you also automatically agree to our Photographer’s Agreement and Branding and Image Guidelines.

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 2. Why do I need to register to participate in “Portraits for Pixels”?

Registration is required because it helps us:

  • Collect the relevant information needed to help publicise your “Portraits for Pixels” sessions on the campaign microsite – e.g. the time and date of your sessions.
  • Contact participating photographers about any programme updates.
  • Keep track of all participants to ensure timely responses to all of participate.

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3.     What is in the registration pack?

The registration pack includes the following documents:

  • Registration form
  • Post-event form
  • Supporting materials checklist
  • Copy of the Photographer’s Agreement
  • Copy of the Campaign Branding and Image Guidelines
  • Copy of the FAQs
  • Copy of the Proposal Overview of the campaign
  • A set of press kit materials
  • Model release template – Adults
  • Model release template – Minors

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 4.     What if I can’t download or open the registration pack?

Please email us at portraits4pixels@gmail.com and we will email you the registration pack.

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5.     What if I am registering on behalf of a group of photographers? Do I use the same registration pack?

Yes. Please use the forms in the registration pack and fill in your group representative’s name and contact details where applicable.

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6.     When will my participation in “Portraits for Pixels” be confirmed?

You will receive a confirmation email from us within 72 hours (3 days) of submitting your application.

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 7.     Why do I need to submit my professional bio, my self-portrait/mugshot and a small portfolio of my work?

We require these supporting materials for the online gallery page that we will set up for you.

Here is an example.

The gallery will help us raise your profile to our supporters and followers by giving us a unique page URL to post on Facebook and to tweet on Twitter.


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8.     Why am I limited to 200 words for my professional bio?

We need to standardise the length of the bio to be fair to every participating photographer.

Also, online readers have very limited attention spans so short and snappy copy always works better!

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 9.     Do I have to submit a YouTube video?

It is optional and you can choose not to do so if you do not have the time or the equipment to record your YouTube video.

However, we would love it if you did because it will:

  • Give an additional personal touch to your gallery profile.
  • Add your voice to a growing global chorus of men and women saying NO to violence against women.
  • Help inspire more people to step up to end violence against women.

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