Local VAW Nonprofit Organisations Benefiting from “Portraits for Pixels” – Photographer’s Choice

As part of The Pixel Project’s collaboration with photographers for “Portraits for Pixels”, we encourage photographers to not only donate a minimum of US$10 per portrait session to our campaign but – if they can afford to do so – to also donate some of the remaining proceeds from the portrait sessions to the local VAW nonprofit/charity of their choice such as their area’s battered women’s shelter, or rape crisis centre.

Here is the 2012 list of local VAW nonprofits that participating photographers have chosen to benefit alongside The Pixel Project’s Celebrity Male Role Model Pixel Reveal campaign through their “Portraits for Pixels” sessions.

Please check back often for an updated list… and if you live in any of these areas, be sure to book your portrait appointment with the “Portraits for Pixels” photographer there.


Kid Chan – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kid Chan held special Portrait For Pixels sessions on 11 and 12 August 2012 from which part of the proceeds were divided between The Pixel Project (40%) and Women’s Aid Organisation Malaysia (60%).

Women’s Aid Organisation Malaysia

Malaysia’s Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) is an independent, non-religious, non-governmental organisation based in Malaysiathat is committed to confronting violence against women. WAO was established in 1982 when it openedMalaysia’s first Women’s Refuge, providing shelter, counselling and child support to battered women. WAO’s mission is to promote and create respect, protection and fulfilment of equal rights for women and to work towards the elimination of discrimination against women, and to bring about equality between women and men. WAO is involved in public education to create awareness of Violence Against Women and women’s rights, and does advocacy on legal reform, in particular, policies and laws that discriminate against women.